
The Constitution of the



The Princeton University Wind Ensemble proclaims that it has been founded and is dedicated to promote and encourage the following goals amongst its members:

  1. To foster an inclusive and supportive environment where student wind and percussion musicians can make music together
  2. To perform challenging and diverse repertoire at a high level and to maintain a well-rounded and well-balanced ensemble
  3. To encourage musical development and personal growth among student performers
  4. To promote the artistic medium of the wind symphony among the campus community and among wider audiences



Section 1.  The name of this student organization shall be the


Section 2.  The words “PRINCETON UNIVERSITY WIND ENSEMBLE” shall not be used by any individual or group of individuals without the consent of the officers or the organization as a whole.



Section 1.  Membership in this organization will be extended to all undergraduate and graduate students at Princeton University who demonstrate interest in membership and reasonable musical capability, as adjudicated by the officers presiding over auditions, to handle the repertoire of the Princeton University Wind Ensemble.

  1. ‘Reasonable Musical Capability,’ as mentioned above, is ultimately at the discretion of the officers presiding over auditions with respect to the level of difficulty of the repertoire that the PUWE programs.
  2. As a general rule of thumb and to help promote inclusion of all interested members, prospective members should demonstrate an ability to satisfactorily read music and express themselves musically on their instrument, as well as sight read ensemble parts to a fair degree of proficiency.
  3. For administrative and operational purposes, any PUWE members who play string bass or keyboards shall be included as a part of the percussion section.

Section 2.  No person who has expressed interest in membership and reasonable musical capability to handle all repertoire shall be denied membership.

  1. Should a scenario arise where there are more members of a section than instrumentation permits, a system of rotation of members should be devised and implemented by the relevant Section Leader and the Music Director, with the consideration of input from the members of the affected section.

Section 3.  No person who has previously been granted membership in the Princeton University Wind Ensemble shall be denied membership through subsequent auditions.

  1. In the event that a person who has previously been granted membership in the PUWE intends to audition for the PUWE on a different instrument than they played in the ensemble previously, they shall be subject to the same audition scrutiny as new auditionees.
  2. In the event that a person auditions for the PUWE on a different instrument than they previously played in the ensemble and does not meet the standards for acceptance to the PUWE on their secondary instrument, an offer of acceptance on the instrument that they previously played in the ensemble shall be extended to them.



Section 1.  The officers of the Princeton University Wind Ensemble shall consist of the following:  President, Treasurer, Music Director, Librarian, Equipment Manager, Woodwind Section Leader, Brass Section Leader, Percussion Section Leader, and Media Chair.

Section 2.  Within the officers of the PUWE, there shall be a committee of Executive Officers. This committee will consist of the following officers: President, Treasurer, and Music Director.

Section 3.  The Executive Officers shall be empowered to:

  1. Conduct the business and affairs of the organization during periods between meetings of the members;
  2. Act as arbiters in cases of disagreement among members;
  3. Represent the organization in cases of liability, responsibility or honors.

Section 4.  Meetings of the Executive Officers, all officers, or the entire organization shall be held whenever necessary, upon the call of the President or at the request of at least five officers.

Section 5.  Officer terms shall run for two full academic semesters.

  1. In order to preserve organizational knowledge and ensure the survival of the PUWE as a student organization in its infancy, Officers may hold an office for more than one term if they are reelected with the same scrutiny as a new candidate.
    • The Officers shall vote each year at the beginning of the fall semester on whether it is necessary for the continuing survival of the PUWE for Officers to be able to hold one position for multiple terms. In the event of a two-thirds vote that includes at least two of the Executive Officers (as defined in Article III, Section 2 of This Constitution) that this provision is no longer necessary, Article III, Sections 5, Subsections 1-1a of this Constitution shall be officially stricken from This Constitution and shall be replaced with a Section bearing the following text: “No member may hold any office for more than one term. If an Officer’s term runs for twelve weeks while classes are in session or fewer (designated as one academic semester) for whatever reason, they are eligible to hold that office again.”
  2. No member may officially hold more than one office at a time.

Section 6.  The President of the Princeton University Wind Ensemble shall serve as the primary executive administrator of the Princeton University Wind Ensemble.

  1. The President shall officiate and plan all rehearsals, meetings, and other miscellaneous events of the PUWE, unless otherwise agreed to by the President and another officer who assumes responsibility for an individual event. Sectional rehearsals are an exception to this clause: Sectional rehearsals shall be officiated and planned by the respective Section Leaders in consultation with the President.
  2. The President shall assume responsibility for all communications with the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students, the Princeton University Department of Music, and all other relevant University offices or organizations.
  3. The President shall have the authority to veto all expenditures proposed by the Treasurer and to approve expenditures in instances in which the Treasurer is unable to do so.
  4. The President shall plan and carry out at least one Town Hall meeting to be held within the first month of the fall semester of their tenure. The President shall have the authority to plan and carry out additional Town Hall meetings at their discretion or at the request of at least three officers. Each Town Hall meeting must be open for all members of the PUWE to attend and must be announced to the PUWE at large at least one week in advance of the meeting.
  5. All decisions carried out by the President may be officially reviewed by the officers at the request of five members or two officers of the PUWE. Presidential decisions may be reversed upon a five-vote majority of the officers excluding the President.

Section 7.  The Treasurer of the Princeton University Wind Ensemble shall serve as the primary financial administrator of the Princeton University Wind Ensemble.

  1. All expenditures of the PUWE must be approved by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall make a reasonable effort to confer with the President prior to submitting expenditures to the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students to allow the President the opportunity to veto the expenditure.
  2. The Treasurer shall keep an up-to-date record of all PUWE expenditures that is subject to inspection by the President at any time or any member of the PUWE with approval from the President or four officers, excluding the President and Treasurer.

Section 8.  The Music Director of the Princeton University Wind Ensemble shall serve as the primary musical administrator of the Princeton University Wind Ensemble.

  1. The Music Director shall be responsible for the musical performance and advising of the PUWE.
  2. The Music Director shall provide musical feedback during and after PUWE rehearsals in order to guide the musical progress and development of the PUWE.
  3. The Music Director shall manage the procurement and programming of all repertoire in conjunction with the Librarian.
    1. Members of the PUWE at large may propose repertoire directly to the Music Director or through an indirect channel which the Music Director shall monitor. The Music Director shall thoughtfully consider all repertoire recommendations, considering the level of difficulty, the popularity of the work among members of the ensemble, instrumentation, et cetera.
  4. If a faculty member or external individual is appointed as a conductor of the PUWE, the Music Director shall perform all of the above duties in direct consultation with the appointed conductor.
  5. In the absence of an appointed conductor, the Music Director shall conduct the ensemble, or delegate conducting duties among competent PUWE members.

Section 9.  The Librarian shall manage the storage, distribution, collection, and maintenance of all music owned by the Princeton University Wind Ensemble.

  1. The Librarian shall work in accordance with the Music Director to ensure that all members of the PUWE have music at every rehearsal, and that the distributed music is properly copied so that original pieces are maintained for future use, or that original copies are properly collected at the end of each rehearsal.

Section 10.  The Equipment Manager shall manage the storage, distribution, collection, and maintenance of all equipment and instruments owned by the Princeton University Wind Ensemble.

  1. The Equipment Manager shall work in accordance with the Princeton University Department of Music to ensure that every PUWE member in need of an instrument or supplies owned by the PUWE has access to them.
  2. The Equipment Manager shall ensure that all instruments owned by the PUWE are secured properly in their assigned lockers unless otherwise allocated to members of the PUWE.
  3. The Equipment Manager shall oversee the allocation of instruments and equipment owned by the PUWE to members. 
  4. The Equipment Manager shall ensure that instruments and equipment allocated to members are properly cared for and returned within the appropriate time frame.
  5. The Equipment Manager shall, with the aid of the Section Leaders, set up the rehearsal space with chairs and stands to accommodate all present PUWE members.
  6. The Equipment Manager shall work in conjunction with the President to coordinate the reservation and utilization of all space to be used by the PUWE.

Section 11.  The Section Leaders shall serve as the leaders of their respective sections and as representatives of their respective sections to the Executive Officers.

  1. The Section Leaders shall organize sectional events, including rehearsals and social events, in coordination with the President.
  2. The Section Leaders shall coordinate with the Librarian and the Equipment Manager to ensure that all PUWE members in their respective sections have access to the necessary music and equipment.
  3. The Section Leaders shall report to the President with any feedback from PUWE members in their respective sections.
  4. The Section Leaders shall aid the Equipment Manager in setting up the rehearsal space with chairs and stands. Additionally, the Section Leaders shall ensure that all section-specific instruments or pieces of equipment are present at all rehearsals.

Section 12.  The Media Chair shall serve as the primary media administrator of the Princeton University Wind Ensemble.

  1. The Media Chair shall be responsible for the social media presence of the PUWE.
  2. The Media Chair shall be responsible for the coordination of design of all logos, publications, and merchandise of the PUWE.
  3. The Media Chair shall be responsible for all alumni coordination and communication for the PUWE.
  4. The Media Chair shall be responsible for all publicity and advertising for the PUWE.
  5. In the event that the Media Chair is unable to satisfactorily fulfill one or more of the above responsibilities, it is the responsibility of the Media Chair to appropriately delegate these responsibilities to other officers or members of the PUWE.


Election of Officers

Section 1.  Election of the officers: 

  1. The officers shall be elected by the organization at the end of the fall semester by members of the Princeton University Wind Ensemble.
  2. Elections shall be held for the following officer positions: President, Treasurer, Music Director, Librarian, Equipment Manager, Woodwind Section Leader, Brass Section Leader, Percussion Section Leader, and Media Chair.
  3. Each candidate will have the opportunity to respond to questions posed by members in attendance and present a speech while the other candidates leave the room. The allotted time for questions may not exceed five minutes, and the allotted time for speeches may not exceed two minutes, for a total of seven minutes per candidate. After the speeches have been given, all candidates will exit the room and the President will call for a vote by secret ballot.
  4. The sitting President will preside over all election proceedings and will moderate all discussions. If the sitting President is running in a specific election, the sitting Treasurer will preside over that election, and if both the sitting President and Treasurer are running in a specific election, then the sitting Music Director will preside over that election. In the event that all three sitting Executive Officers are running in a specific election, a neutral third party may be appointed beforehand either from the officers or the members of the PUWE to preside over that election. All votes will be tallied by the sitting President, with the exception of any election in which the sitting President is running, in which case an identical succession of power as seen above shall take effect.
  5. The vote will follow an instant runoff election system in which each voting member’s choices shall be noted, and the candidate with the fewest first-choice votes will be eliminated from the election. Any voting member whose top choice has been eliminated will have their next choice added to the vote until a candidate reaches a majority of votes.
  6. In the event of an absolute tie between two candidates, where every member’s votes have been cast for one of the two, the sitting President may appoint one to the position using their discretion. If there is a conflict of interest between one or more of the candidates and the sitting President, the sitting Treasurer may appoint one, and if there is a conflict of interest between one or more of the candidates, President, and Treasurer, then the sitting Music Director may appoint one. In the event of a conflict of interest involving one or more of the candidates and all three sitting Executive Officers, one of the two candidates may be appointed at random.
  7. A member of the PUWE in absentia shall be awarded a proxy vote with valid reason so long as a proxy vote is approved by a two-thirds vote of the present members of the PUWE.



Section 1.  The Princeton University Wind Ensemble shall program at minimum two distinct pieces of repertoire per performance.

  1. Exceptions to this may be made on a case-by-case basis by the Music Director in conjunction with the President in the event that a single piece of repertoire has a substantial duration or otherwise requires a more intensive effort to perform.

Section 2.  The selection of repertoire is at the discretion of the Music Director.

  1. In the presence of an appointed conductor, the selection is at the discretion of both the Music Director and the appointed conductor, with the appointed conductor having the final say in all decisions regarding the selection of repertoire in the case of disagreements.
  2. The Music Director, in conjunction with the Treasurer, shall make every effort to spend whatever funds are allocated for the purchasing of new repertoire by the end of their term as Music Director in order to expand and enrich the PUWE library.

Section 3.  Members of the Princeton University Wind Ensemble at large may suggest repertoire to the Music Director, as indicated above under Article III, Section 8, Subsection 1-1 of this Constitution.

  1. In the instance of a suggestion from a PUWE member, the Music Director shall make a good faith effort to coordinate with the Librarian to search the PUWE music storage for the suggested piece of repertoire.
  2. In the event that the PUWE does not own the suggested piece of repertoire, the Music Director, in conjunction with the Treasurer, shall thoughtfully consider purchasing or acquiring by other means said piece of repertoire.

Section 4.  The Princeton University Wind Ensemble shall reserve at minimum one-third of its performance programming for repertoire composed by underrepresented composers.

  1. ‘Underrepresented composers,’ for the purposes of the PUWE, may include but are not necessarily limited to non-male composers, BIPOC composers, and LGBTQIA+-identifying composers.



Section 1.  The Princeton University Wind Ensemble shall hold annual auditions within the first month of the fall semester.

  1. These annual auditions may be used to accept or deny membership in the PUWE based on musical capability but not instrumentation, as detailed in Article II, Section 2 of this Constitution.
  2. Additional auditions may be held throughout the year for part reassignments, solo assignments, or other reasons deemed appropriate by the Music Director in consultation with the President.
  3. Any additional auditions shall not be used to remove members from the ensemble or otherwise create barriers for participation in the PUWE.

Section 2.  The Princeton University Wind Ensemble auditions shall be presided over by an audition committee consisting of the President, the Music Director, and the Section Leaders.

  1. In the presence of an appointed conductor, every reasonable effort must be made to include the faculty conductor in the audition committee.
  2. The audition committee shall determine the audition procedures and publicize all necessary audition information and materials for prospective members of the PUWE at least two weeks prior to the scheduled audition date.
  3. The audition committee shall, after hearing all auditions, cast a vote on each prospective member to either accept them or deny them membership in the PUWE.
  4. In the event that an appointed conductor is a part of the audition committee and there is a tie in the vote on a prospective member’s acceptance, the Music Director shall have the final say in the prospective member’s acceptance into the PUWE.
  5. The audition committee shall follow up with each successful auditionee promptly after decisions are made extending to them an offer of membership to the PUWE.
  6. The audition committee shall follow up with each unsuccessful auditionee promptly after decisions are made offering them feedback on their audition and welcoming them to re-audition at a future open audition or in the next fall audition cycle.



Section 1.  This constitution may be amended through a process of proposal, consideration, and voting by members of the Princeton University Wind Ensemble.

Section 2.  A proposal for an amendment to the constitution may be submitted to the sitting President at least three days in advance of any Town Hall meeting.

  1. Proposals submitted to the President will be introduced, considered, and voted on by present members of the PUWE during the subsequent Town Hall meeting.
  2. Amendments to the constitution will pass with a three-fourths majority vote of the present members of the PUWE.
  3. All ratified amendments to the constitution shall take effect immediately.

Section 3.  A proposal for an amendment to the constitution may be submitted to the President regardless of whether a Town Hall meeting is planned if it is accompanied by a petition consisting of a minimum of five PUWE members’ signatures suggesting support of the proposed amendment.

  1. In such a scenario, it is the responsibility of the President to plan and carry out a special Town Hall meeting within two weeks of receiving such a proposal to consider the ratification of the proposed amendment.
  2. For such Town Hall meetings, notice of three days to the PUWE at large is sufficient. Such Town Hall meetings shall still be open to all members of the PUWE.



Section 1.  This constitution will take effect following a unanimous vote of approval by the existing officers present at an established officer meeting announced at least one week in advance.

  1. Votes shall be tabulated by two Executive Officers to be decided upon prior to the casting of votes.